Audit to Excellence - Audit Improvement
Just as many varying brush strokes build up a picture the specialist programmes of audit work carried out by Audit to Excellence support Local Authority Children’s Services to build up the full picture of the strengths and areas for improvement within their organisation.
Our audit programmes are tailored to the needs of individual authorities and can apply to the whole of a directorate or to specific service areas.
Audit to Excellence can lead or support in many areas of your business. Our professionals can help develop your team with our comprehensive service.
All services can be fixed price or day commission (No agency costs!)
Tailored solutions to benchmark and improve practice
Solutions to whole service and partners’ needs. Across Children’s Social Care, Early Help and more
Individuals, Managers, Teams & Services challenged & supported to evaluate and improve
Train and develop internal auditors with a mechanism to grade audit.
Audit to Excellence can lead or support in many areas of your business. Our professionals can help develop your team with our comprehensive service.
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